Tuesday, September 4, 2007

something i never thought i'd hear

a taiwanese doctor told me tonight to avoid hot food & drinks and to stick to cold or icy stuff.

can you believe it?


  1. Shocking! Did the sun suddenly rise from the west?? Ha ha ha

  2. I agree . . . shocking!! and want to ask what is wrong with you?

    {I stumbled upon your blog awhile back, and have been lurking and enjoying it too. I, too, live in Taiwan--just down south. If I remember correctly, I've even seen one of my Kaohsiung friends in a few of your KH pictures.}

  3. that is unbelievable. lucky you. too bad we're not in the same city - i acquired an ice cream maker this summer.

  4. That is a bit crazy coming from a Taiwanese doctor. Take care of yourself! Hope to see you sometime soon.

  5. You must be really sick! I guess he thinks there's no hope for you

  6. Yeah! What's the deal with that. Did you get your wisdom teeth out too. The dentist told me to drink cold drinks for a while in order to cause the blood clot to stay in. I swear sometimes...
