Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas...and typhoons?

Christmas has arrived in taipei! the decorations were in full force at work today and i love it, love it, love it! it really makes it feel like Christmas (the toffee nut lattes and red cups at starbucks help too!)

the weird thing is that there's not one but two typhoons on the horizon -- well, one seems to have already arrived on the island, as today was a winnie-the-pooh blustery day -- and the other looks like it's on the way. in the last five years i don't recall a typhoon ever coming this late in the year. hmmm...


  1. Yeah for Starbucks! Do you know that there is one in Taitung now. I frequented there alot last month but now I am in detox so only once (ok maybe twice a week).
    I but up my Christmas decorations last weekend. I love them. It really makes it feel like home. I miss you lots.

  2. ah yes, the starbucks does help to set the mood. and i love their christmas mugs!
